Article Ideas

I have come up with several interesting ideas and complex thoughts to pursue and write about in the future. Whenever I take a glance at any of these ideas, I can envision sub-textually exploring them in essays in a couple thousand words. Hello there, edited on May 27.

Each topic struck me at some point as an important thing to talk about, and is rich in content, along with so much depth and nuance that can be explored.

I would mention that some of these ideas hit me quite a while back and I may not write about them for a while. I do try to push myself to write. I believe that the will to write doesn’t only come from the inside, it can be developed, and somewhat consistent output can be achieved.

I am excited to develop interesting ideas further, learn about them myself and share them here. Incase you don’t want to wait for me, I’ve added a few links where you can learn more about them on your own :)

A little about my writing process

I am writing to learn and store my own ideas. Writing and expressing ideas is much of a positive-sum game. I have no inclination to teach through this, and my articulation and fluency doesn’t imply that I’m confident enough about anything, but you could learn a thing or two, if you’ve contemplated over similar ideas.

My method: Using a rigorous and reflective process to gain a deep understanding of topics and form logical principles based on this understanding.

My process of writing involves deep thinking and exploration of topics to gain a multidimensional understanding of a concept or idea, and then try to come up with conclusions. I practise model-based thinking to test and form conclusions that are based on a strong understanding of a logical system.

Strong conclusions that align with my principles form the basis for my decision-making, actions, and way of life. I update my beliefs from time-to-time to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with my evolving understanding of reality.

I do this a lot. I hardly publish everything that I write.

Article Ideas I’m working on

Tools for Thought: Intelligent Note Taking at the Speed of Articulation

  • A discussion of the various ‘tools for thought’ apps, used for things like note-taking, personal knowledge management (PKM), graphed bidirectional idea linking, zetteltasken, etc.
  • These deliberations are also my efforts to craft a CS & Math Engineering Note Taking System for College
  • I recognize the most popular and upcoming apps and which ones shine in certain use-cases.
  • This essay is long and supposed to be one of my best pieces yet.
  • This piece is finally out!

On the back burner


  • Experiences being an Executive in Technology (Founding a Tech Symposium)
  • My Choices in Gaming
  • My Choices in Music
  • Pens (Apart from modern advancements, I also like traditional and classy things)


  • Breakthroughs in Renewable Energy (Read here)
  • Pseudoscience & Exploring what truly is Science
  • Sugary Cravings (Bit of a personal story, and a history on research on sugar)
  • The Marvel of Modern Healthcare (Giving some statistics and appreciating modern medicine)


  • Information Absorption in our Times (Roughly talked about this in Typing)
  • Diving into Privacy & Security (Read this excellent wiki)]
  • Cloud Storage: A comparison of the various providers
  • The terrible state of social media search algorithms
  • The Importance of Design and Typography
  • Learnings in Web Development (Some revelations by me in this field)
  • The Sheer Efficiency of Modern Computers
  • Experiences being an Executive in Technology