Kavin Sood

I'm Kavin Sood, Computer Science Engineering undergrad student and front-end developer based in India.

My strengths are Math and CS. I'm fascinated by the intersection of core engineering and deep tech, particularly how it's shaping the future of hardware. For the past while, I've maintained reading all about AI, machine learning, decision theory and rationality.

I've been building things that live on the web for the last 3 years. My focus is on creating engaging, accessible & performant interfaces for humans. I like to freelance and build websites for entrepreneurs.

In the real world, I like to play basketball, lift weights and watch sunsets. My taste in music is diverse and random. Right now - Arctic Monkeys and Tame Impala. I like to read literature and philosophy, but also on personal growth. I like to watch good movies, see here.

The tech world of which we are a part is enthralling to me, and I sometimes stop myself from spending day and night; every waking hour, from completely diving onto twitter and substack blogs of tech personas, just learning a thing or two.

I'm currently looking for research and internship opportunities to gain industry experience.


Wish to contact me? Drop a mail to [email protected] or say hi on Twitter.


Manipal University Jaipur

Bachelor of Technology - BTech, Computer Science Engineering with ML/AI
2023 - 2027

Scottish High International School, Gurgaon

High School Diploma: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Computer Science
2011 - 2023
Grade: 97.2% ICSE Class X, 92.6% ISC Class XII Board Examinations



First Place Winner, LNMHACKS 6.0, LNMIIT

  • Spearheaded the development of CHÆN COLLECTIVE, an award-winning DAO platform built on the æternity blockchain.
  • This innovative platform empowers individuals to manage investment clubs with unprecedented transparency and inclusivity through features like decentralized voting and collaborative fund management.
  • Leveraged liquid democracy for streamlined decision-making, facilitating effortless club formation, membership management, and collaborative funding.
  • GitHub Repository


First Place Winner, Ordin@Trix, Tagore International School

  • Developed and modeled Farmer's AI, a phone-and-shovel-based AI service for farmers in India. Leveraged machine learning and sensor data to provide personalized crop yield optimization advice, diversification, and higher profits for middle-class, boutique, export, and contract farmers.
  • GitHub Repository

My Personal Website

  • Published over 15,000 words on STEM and philosophy on kavinsood.com.
  • Organically grown it to 15k/month impressions, and understood much about the web technologies, mainly JAMStack.
  • Hands-on with the programming stack, linking DNS records, maintaining SSL, SEO, and writing about all that interests me.

Gurbani Chanan

  • Currently volunteering to have made and maintaining the website of a religious NGO, scaled to absolute minimal cost.
  • Gurbani Chanan Website

Positions of Responsibility

TA MC1030, IoT FAB Lab

Manipal University Jaipur, Semester I
Teaching Assistant to Prof. Nikhil Srivas
Covered Raspberry Pi based Circuits. Also, awarded A+ in this class.


Scottish High International School, 2021-23

  • Hosted 1100+ Participants from 40+ Schools Pan-India across two years.
  • Conceptualized and Managed 10 various events in the fields of Movie Making, Graphic Design, Esports, Music Production, Tech Quizzes, Competitive Coding, Robotics, Hackathons, etc.
  • Managed 70 Member Team across 4 Domains (IT, Social Media, Design, Marketing).
  • Spearheaded design and development of website, hosting the event wiki and online cryptic hunt.
  • Established Sponsorship Structure with Replit, Github, Taskade, .xyz, etc. valued at 1.5 Cr Rupees.
  • Maintained Profit Margins with a Zero Participant Fee Structure amidst Cash Prizes worth Rs. 30000.
  • SHISTECH Website

Information Technology Captain in the Student Council

Scottish High International School, 2022-23

  • Audited School's IT and developed the biggest proposal on multifocal tech infrastructure, giving the labs an overhaul for offline tech events.
  • Held multiple talks with middle and senior school body on digital privacy, social media, cyber-security.
  • Revamped the School Tech Club and got affiliated with Hack Club, an international network of Tech Clubs and Hackathons.
  • Designed a new and innovative system for storage, collection and dispersal of student's phones.
  • Planned and hosted SHISTECH'22, our flagship Tech Symposium and largest hybrid event with 600 participants; managed team of 40 members; Pulled off a two-day offline tech event including eSports in the second edition.


Java, C, Python, Bash, HTML, CSS, JS & TS, NodeJS, Git, MATLAB

Relevant Courses

Computer Science

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • Introduction to Machine Learning


  • Numerical Methods In Engineering
  • Linear Algebra
  • Combinatrics
  • Statistics
  • Calculus and Matrices


Model United Nations

I've taken interest in Debating and MUNs (Model United Nations). I was an active member of the MUN Club at school. I've taken part in multiple MUNs ranging from Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha), UN General Assembly, and Crisis Committees. I was recently invited as an Executive Board member at SHISMUN'23 for a crisis committee, conferring on AI.

This helped me gain global awareness on critical geopolitical issues including the trade of blood diamonds, nuclear proliferation, climate change, and Indian elections, and develop debating and researching skills.